Hey everyone! We'd like to extend an invite to each of you to join us for a one-of-a-kind experience...a candle making class! On March 19th from 10am-12pm, we will be visiting The Worthy Co, a local business here in Funky Town that employs and supports survivors of human trafficking....their story and cause are just amazing, and the candle making class is so much fun! They also have a boutique with jewelry that is made by the survivors and is super cute, and all proceeds go to the mission.
Space is limited to 16 participants at max, so please RSVP asap if you'd like to come. And the cost is $10 per agent, please bring cash the day of or be prepared to Venmo the sponsors at the event.
This event is sponsored by:
The #Loanladies of Open Mortgage
Community National Title
Fuller Land Surveying Inc
Total Roofing Systems
Goosehead Insurance- Taylor Fryer
We hope you can join us...it's going to be a blast!